Thursday, August 30
> Long weekend!
Its Thursday, and i dont have to go to work! I took leave today and tomorrow, which means i have a long weekend! The feeling's so great even waking up was so much easier today.
Got my off days planned out. Im going for facial right after this entry, then i'll head down to the travel agency to collect my air tix. Jeffrey and I are going to fly to Krabi in about 3 weeks time. YAY!!!! So very excited! Then i'll go meet my mum at her office and we'll head down to my cousin's place for her birthday dinner.
Then on Friday, im gonna meet Eunice at 8am in the morning! We're going back to GMETHSS to look at the new campus and say HI to our teachers. Its teachers' day celebration man! And then we'll go shopping, have tea, pretend to lead our tai tai life and blabber non stop till its time to go do our hair. Cant wait to meet her up and update each other's life. I have so much to tell her!
Oh, the other day, 2 colleagues offered me donuts from donuts factory on the same day. Talk about scandalism. Anyway, the main point was, i finally got to eat donuts from there without having to queue up for it. It was so good!! Can somebody go queue up for me again? i wanna try all the different flavours, please?!
I think the supper gang is gonna play paintball on Sat, and i might be going too! Sounds like fun!! PAINTBALL, i think i will get blue-black everywhere!
Time to rush, im late.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:30:00 pm
Sunday, August 26
> Happy days comes once in a while
I just caught Ratatouille with the supper gang and i tell you, its hilarious yet touching at certain parts. I dont really fancy watching cartoons in the cinema because i think its a waste of money. But this is pretty good.
Last night after work, my colleagues and i hit MoS again. I didnt drink a lot because i dont wanna go home reek of alcohol so i wasnt at all drunk. Was 100% sober the entire time and i really enjoyed myself a lot last night. I was so happy, i wished time could freeze and stay put forever.
I decided to be home early today so i can wake up early tomorrow for a good brown tan. I think the sun was pretty good this noon but i overslept because i got home at 7am this morning and slept all the way till 5pm.
My mum didnt expect me to be out and came into my room saying "since youre so good today, i shall cook some bird nest for you" and the next thing i said was "im going out in awhile". She walked out grumbling and i ended up with no bird nest. So practical lah!
Remember i said i forgot all about my mum's birthday last week? I still feel pretty bad, so i increased her allowance this month as a compensation. I think im gonna be damn broke, because im going to splurge on a LV bag ive been eyeing on since months ago.
Oh man, cant wait to get my hands on it!!! Its really damn expensive lah, but i think its time to reward myself a little. Gonna control my expenditure this month because the bag would take up more than half of my entire pay. Shall try to refrain from cabbing to work too much.
Next week would be a great week at work because its a holiday in London on Monday, so we are allowed to leave early since most people wouldnt be working in London. And im on leave on Thursday and Friday. So that makes it 2.5 working days the entire week. Yayness!
I think Jeffrey and i would be combing either Redang or Tioman next month during our block leave. Lets hope the weather would be bright and sunny throughout our stay on the island.
Gonna have my hair dyed next week too. Not too sure what colour it'll be, but it should be more or less blue-black. I think it would turn out black instead, but its fine. Been having brown hair for too long and its boring me out.
Shall stop rambling now, think the entire entry just bored you people out there.
Till then.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:36:00 am
Wednesday, August 22
> very random

I cant seem to be able to fall asleep these nights, and i really really hate it because i cant wake up in time for work and i'll end up taking a cab. Its so freaking expensive!! By the rate im splurging, i'll be poorer than before, even before i started on this job!
Terrible, terrible.
I tried going tanning during the weekends, but it ended up raining! How infuriating!! Happens all the time, especially when im as far as a white chicken now. (Why white chicken? i dont know, it just came into my mind)
I dont even know what im rambling about. shit!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:37:00 am
Sunday, August 19
> Leonard's 21st!

I was lazy to leave my place after preparing to head down to meet the birthday boy and friends, so i started camwhoring in my room when my lil love came into my room to join in the fun.

I love my chihuahua, though i always call her the obese chihuahua. Dont you think she's too big to be a chihuauha? I seriously dont know how she ended up being so...big! She's only 3 years old!

I was almost dying of hunger pangs yesterday. We were supposed to be meeting at Marina South for steamboat at 6.30pm last night, but everyone was still sleeping so we decided to meet an hour later instead.
Leonard gave me a lift and together with Jeremy, we head down all the way only to realise that there were a huge crowd and no vacant tables. We were all so hungy, whats more Siwei and Chiang have not reached yet, so we decided to change venue - Bugis Seoul Garden.
We left Marina South at 8.15pm, and we reached Bugis onlya t 9.30pm. OMG, the traffic is terrible. Uber heavy jam due to the fireworks display. Hate it man, whats with the firework displays that have to cause the entire expressway to jam up so badly?!
It took us 5mins to drive past 5 lamp posts and we were travelling at 5km/h all the time. By the time we reached Bugis, we had nothing to eat lah! I was so hungry i almost fainted, cos i didnt eat anything at all since i woke up at 4pm!!
We were moving so slowly, like snails that Leonard can even drive like this.

Jam jam, bad traffic jam.

Damn hungryyyyyy

We ended up having steamboat at some coffeeshop opposite Shaw Tower.

Jeremy and Chiang

I look like shit i know.
Siwei have a cute mohawk, which was destroyed by the guys. He's now part of the "10 brothers"

And the birthday boyyyyyy,

I ended up with a big tummy cos i ate so much i could hardly walk after that.
I woke up early today hoping to get a little browner, but the rain spoilt my entire day. =(
sealed-with-a-kiss < 4:00:00 pm
Saturday, August 18
> unfilial daughter of the year
I've been so busy at work this week, I've never left the office before 2am, and ive been so tired that i often overslept and ended up taking cab to work.
Bad..very bad.

What's worst is that, it was my mom's 49th birthday 2 days ago and i totally forgot all about it!!!!! I never, and i mean never, forget my mom's birthday. I'll definately get her something or wish her happy birthday yearly. But i actually forgot all about it this year.
Only this morning, when i got home at 7am and tried to stay awake where i saw my mom and she said "why didnt you wish me happy birthday?"
I was like, what date is it today?!?!?!
OMG, damn bad damn bad.
My colleagues and I decided to stop drinking for a week and went to Partyworld last night after work. I like singing!! though my voice sucks =( Gonna club again next week, i think....
I slept at like 9am today, damn sleepy and tired now. Gonna head down to Leonard's birthday steamboat later, but im so lazy to move an inch.
I think im late, bye!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 4:09:00 pm
Sunday, August 12
> I hate myself sometimes, for sleeping too much.
I told myself that im going to wake up early today to get some tan. I hate my fair and pale-looking sickly face so by hook or by crook i must be as tan as how i used to be just a few months ago when i was at Perhentian Island.
Look what happened? Its almost 6pm and i just woke up. Can you believe it? I actually wasted the entire day sleeping and waking up just in time for dinner! I wasted my entire Sunday afternoon!!
But Jeffrey actually said "no man. it has been a gd rest day :)"
Jeffrey and i caught Rush Hour 3 at TM last night. I rate it 3/5 stars. Its really funny at certain parts of the movie but i dont really like the ending. The ending could have been much better if it isnt so rushed. The way those people died were too stupid and too fast.
The movie ended at 1am, and i met the supper gang for supper at our favourite supper place. wooohoo! Been some time since i met the supper gang. So sad la, our favourite waiter at Spize got transferred to another outlet. =(
Im now watching the re-play of the NDP. Could have seen the fireworks from my office but i was so busy my eyes could just not leave both monitors. But you'll never guess how much food i had that day. It was crazy! I ate so much i know for sure im going to be the next 200 pounds beauty.
Bye now.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 5:59:00 pm
Saturday, August 11
> MoS again!
MoS again last night with my colleagues after work. I didnt get wasted this time! I wasnt drunk! I didnt puke!!!
But was pretty tipsy lah. Even had breakfast at Macs after MoS closed for the night. Craziness!
I must stop going to MoS every Friday night at 2am, i dont wanna be an alcoholic. Smoking is bad enough, i cannot start to love drinking too. Whenever i tell myself "im not going to drink tonight" i see myself gulping down cups after cups and jugs after jugs of cranberry vodka and tequila pop. I must stop it!!
I woke up at 4.30pm today and had been sitting in front of the computer till now. Meeting Jeffrey later for movie at Tampines Mall, lots of catching up to do!!! We must start planning for our holiday already.
Gonna bathe now!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 7:52:00 pm
Thursday, August 9
> Insomina lehhhhh
Its National Day!
Everyone loves this day im sure. why? Because its a public holiday and all of them doesnt have to work nor go to school.
But poor Amby here still gotta work tomorrow.
I cant get to sleep and its boring me out because no sane people, or rather, people i wanna talk to is online to have a decent chat.

When i was younger, i so wanna step into the working society and work at one of these buildings. Shenton Way, Raffles Place, one of those places i wanna work at cos i thought its really cool to be there.

This is the building i work at, and trust me, its not how i thought it would be.
And i cant believe it when i hear people saying that they will die to work there. I die working there man!
Argh, work is driving me nuts, especially when i have to handle messy trades which is not even my business.
Sometimes i feel like closing down my blog, because i cant stand it when people think that they know me REALLY well just by reading what i write. Oh come on, i wouldnt be called Amber if my true self is so easily seen by others.
Stop pretending that you know me deep down, you dont.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:36:00 am
Sunday, August 5
> Day out with Clement
Pictures first. Narcism attack, i know. But shuttup.

Yesterday evening was spent on the highway towards town from my place because of the jam. Its really becoming such a pain sometimes to drive because of the bad traffic jam and minimal parking lots around. I really wonder how come Singaporeans are getting so rich these days that almost everyone owns their own car and have to drive out during the weekends.
Then again, i hate taking public transport.
And i hate crowds. I hate crowded places! "Kill them all!" says Clement.
Clement and i caught Simpsons at The Cathay. I think the movie's overrated? Its not like extremely funny, but was still good nonetheless. How much can i expect from a cartoon anyway? The next cartoon i wanna watch on screen is Rat-a-too-tee*. I hope its good and hilarious!
Then we headed down to the HongKong cafe at Upper East Coast (the one i always go to when im still staying around Marine Parade) for dinner/supper. The portugese baked rice i love is no longer in the menu! =(
Once again, we had to wait and wait and wait for a parking lot because the place is overly infested with human beings and parking there is really quite a pain.
Popped over to East Coast to chill and feel the breeze. Havent been to the beach for a freaking long time ever since i started working. Love the breeze even when it messes up my hair and makes my eye and throat dry.
Speaking of which, i miss Perhentian Island so much that i had to show Clement the pictures and tell him what happened when i was there like as though i just went there yesterday.
Must start planning for my next beach getaway with Jeffrey in September. Where should i go? Which beach should i conquer? Suggestions anyone?
Back to yesterday, i think i had a pretty good time. I talked a lot, more than usual. Its weird how i can talk so comfortably and so much to somebody whom i only met for the first time.

I hate it when i smile, cos my gum shows and my tiny teeth is uber outstanding.
Oh well, at least i enjoyed my Saturday (like finally), and what about you?
Look to the left and see the Citibank advert?
They came up with this new strategy, which anyone above 18 can apply for a credit card even without any minimum income!
I used to work in Citibank, as a product advisor. In other words, i promote their credit cards. The Clear Card is really pretty good, a lot of discounts and privileges. And now the best thing is you can apply for one too!
Below age of 21, you'll need your parents consent, but im sure they will happily approve. Cos the credit limit a month is only $500 bucks, so chances of getting into a bad credit card debt should be pretty low.
What you waiting for? Go click on it to get more info!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 5:52:00 pm
Saturday, August 4
> Pictures updated!
I am too freaking lazy to collate the pictures so i'll just upload em one by one.
2 Sundays ago, the day i stole my dad's car out to Tampines Mall with Ling.

I know i look terrible because i didnt have any make up on!
Had dinner at Phins Steakhouse before the movie - Invisible Target. Got Daniel Wu and Nic Tse, i like!!

Last Friday was my turn to leave the office at 9pm. Met up with Huat + gf, Ling, Eleanor and Wilson at Pacific Coffee Club @ One Raffles Link before kbox-ing. Eleanor didnt join us at kbox though.

Ling and Wilson

Huat + gf

Myself, Ling and Wilson

Ling & i

Gena and I
Then on Saturday, Senchuan accompanied me to the dentist where Christina works. Did scaling + polishing and it costs $60. The dentist said my teeth and gum are healthy and no tooth decays! YAY! But i have a wisdom tooth growing and its better to extract it earlier, especially now where its not giving me any problems yet. $400+ to extract my wisdom tooth, crazy or what?!?!
Then i met Wenfu for dinner at East Coast Lagoon cos i owe him a meal. Shiok man! We had two plates of fried oyster egg, sambal stingray, sambal kangkong and rojak.
Went over to Parkway to meet Kevin and Bape and went down to town to meet Leonard. Rot the entire saturday away man. It is THAT boring in town.
Bape and Leonard waited for like almost 45 minutes to an hour to get a parking lot.
So bored and nothing to do, so Bape and i snapped in the car.

And before i know it, the battery of my camera died. Haa, no more pictures!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 4:00:00 pm